Sunday, July 30, 2006

Directories in c

This tutorial covers directory in c:

Before proceeding include the following file:

Contains definition of DIR structure. Just similar to FILE structure you will see later.
To open a directory use
DIR* dir = opendir("..");
".." means open current directiory.
"." means parent directory.
else a sub directory or complete path e.g: “e:\\” remember why double slash??

Now the directory is opened how to loop for directories or files in this opened directory??
struct dirent* dent = dent=readdir(dir) ;
Reads next entry in the opened directory. entry may be a file or directory.

Finally to close opened directory:

The following code is self explanatory.


file : dir.c

A tutorial in opening directories in c.




int main(int argc,char **argv)



A directory entry pointer.


struct dirent* dent;


open current directory.

".." means open current directiory.


DIR* dir = opendir("..");

printf("\n***** DIR LISTING *****\n\n");


if dir is null then open failed

may be due to directory is not present

or access is denied.





readdir reads next direcory entry.

returns struct dirent* which ->d_name contains name of directory entry.

entry may be a file or directory.

returns null after finishing all entries.




FILE* fptr ;



try to open dir as a file in read mode.

if it's opened then it's actually a file.

else it's a directory.


if(fptr = fopen(dent->d_name,"r"))


printf("\t\tFile") ;

fclose(fptr) ;



printf("\t\tDirectory") ;




close opened directory.





printf("Err. opening directory\n");



return 0;



Faraz said...

This code can be optimized 2 folds over. In other words, half of what you've done.
But nonetheless, Good code.

Unknown said...

But how to optimize this code?